Welcome to PVSchools Community Education 2025-26 Upcoming School Year Registration is Open! Early Childhood Development CentersLil Pioneers and Little Cubs program for children ages infant to 3 years old Early Childhood ProgramsPreschool and PreK programs (including Montessori and Gifted) for children ages 3-4 years old Mascot ClubBefore- and After-school carefor children in PreK-6th grade Find the right Early Childhood Program for Your Child Important Registration InformationContract approval is a two-step process, and all steps must be completed prior to placement. Submit an Eleyo Contract If it is your child's first time in our childcare programsCreate an accountIf your child has been in our childcare programs previouslyLog in to your existing accountSpace is limited and contracts will be approved on a first come - first served basis. Submit Required Documentation(choose one of the following options). Submit online (must be logged in to your Google account): Document Submission FormEmail as PDF or image files to community-ed-registrars@pvschools.net.Submit forms and documents in-person to: PVSchools Community Education 15032 N. 32nd St. Phoenix, AZ 85032 Copy of original state-issued birth certificate*, current immunization records, both parents' government issued photo ID, proof of residency** (i.e. lease agreement, utility bill, etc.) and custody paperwork (if applicable) with case number and court seal must be on file at the PVSchools Community Education office before your contract can be approved. *Only for those interested in our early childhood programs including Lil Pioneers and Little Cubs**Only for those interested in our Early Childhood Academy pre-kindergarten program Spring Enrichment Courses Enrichment programs are tuition-based and offer affordable classes throughout the year. Classes provide opportunities for students in grades K-12 to pursue their interests, expand their abilities and talents, and improve their social skills in an informal, fun, and safe environment. View Our 2025 Spring Enrichment Catalog Enrichment Summer School During the course of the summer, Community Education is delighted to offer Enrichment Summer School and sports programs to keep your child learning and having fun throughout the break. View Our 2025 Summer Enrichment Catalog High School Summer School High School Summer School offers multiple academic and PE courses to students who are currently in grades 9-12. Courses may be taken for credit recovery or to simply get ahead. Our program provides highly experienced teachers who are committed to helping students succeed. View our 2025 Summer Course Flyer Family Resource Center Do you have a child who’s five-years-old or younger?If so, our district provides cost-free programs and resources to help parents raise their young children in the first five years of life to prepare for a successful educational future. View our Calendar of Available Classes Get in TouchIf you have any questions feel free to contact us.Office hours: Monday - Friday8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact Us